Tongue that does not lie - How to use Tonque Symptoms in Homeopathy

Narayana Verlag
Author(s) Prakash Vakil
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Prakash Vakil was a homeopathic pioneer with an exceptionally open mind who used many uncommon symptoms for finding the right homeo­pathic remedy. In this book, he describes in detail and with numerous colour pictures how the tongue can be used for finding the simillimum.

In different schools of medicine, the tongue is used as a tool of diagnosis. The tongue is not only a mirror of the stomach but it reflects the patient as a whole.

For more than 20 years, Prakash Vakil studied tongue symptoms in his daily practice. He combined clinically confirmed symptoms with his own findings. This reliable and original work is the outcome of these studies. Apart from his observations and cases, it includes an extensive tongue repertory which forms the main part of this book.
Tongue symptoms are a valuable contribution to homeopathic prescribing. They are interesting and at the same time objective symptoms which in many cases have helped in finding the simillimum.

A useful guide which sharpens clinical obser­vation skills and greatly contributes to a successful everyday homeo­pathic practice.

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AuthorPrakash Vakil
PublisherNarayana Verlag